Monday, January 19, 2015


One thing that I enjoy occasionally is watching people. I believe a way to learn apart from books is through people, random strangers we come across. You may develop leadership skills by reading Stephen Covey's or make your life better with a copy of Spencer Johnson's, however, what you will truly value is the visual experience of watching a totally random man doing an act which you thought impossible or you felt ignorant about.  The theory behind is pretty simple. If one man can do it, so does another.

I was at the hospital the other day to get done my medical report and I saw so many things, so many people. It was such an interesting day after weeks  of staying home. Ok I did go out, but it was not as significant as this experience. Be it the man who was carrying a sweet wrapper till he found a rubbish bin or the lady at the registration counter who was greeting everyone with a smile, they all have something to teach. Who are these people? Only known as humans to me they managed to show the good deeds we can do every day. Do I need to know them? Or add them on social networks to understand their lives? I don't think so.

Good things done do not need a justification. We just need to question ourselves if we are capable of following those acts. The answer is yes. Prickly though, we are curious of the wrong things. We try to severe what we see with reasons. Convincing ourselves, the lady was smiling because that's her job and the man was responsible because  he was being watched. At the end, we learn nothing. So whose loss is that?

To be better, watch strangers. Pick up good manners and simple act of kindness. Stop passing biased judgements only to prove yourself right. The world is full of lessons for those who cherish every encounter and experience. They will never stop learning and they know there's always more knowledge to chase after.

Stop being a lazy dreamer, open your eyes to the people around you instead.

Renuka G