It's never easy to get a thing from our handbags isn't it? Be it the keys or a small pen, we often have to fumble our way into all corners of our bag just to reach it, and at a few unfortunate circumstances, we have no choice but to make the poor thing barf in public only to extract the needed content. However, if it is a bowling bag that we are talking about, by all means let's dismiss it at this, but what if it's a large tote?? Hell will indeed break loose!
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If this is worse, you haven't seen mine yet =p |
Getting to the cause of this whole scenario, we certainly have to blame it on how disorganized some of us are. Things are simply thrown or chucked into bags with zero organization. Guilty!
Can you recall the last time you took an effort to arrange your keys and stationaries? If it's a 'Yes' then Congrats, you are one in a million indeed! But if 'No' speaks the ugly truth of yours, someone is waiting to assist you out of the mess.
An upcoming Malaysian bag-label Gin & Jacqie, has designed a multi-pocketed helper or better known as a bag-organizer to torch you towards better fumble-free days. The organizer is basically a detached insert piece with 11 pockets tailored to fit different essential items from keys to your handphone, which is then placed in the bag you intend to use. Mirroring the functions and features of a pencil case, this organizer besides saving us our precious time, provides a hassle-free handbag switch we all ever dreamt of.
Handy indeed!
Renuka G
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