Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fr0m m3

Alright guys, lets drag a brand new attitude and get that *bling*bling* party on! Heck with the moaning and groaning over what’s not in the world, whose corrupt and blah blah! Let’s just enjoy for a change, with little stuff that we have in our hands! Set aside all the theories about life and its ups and downs, forget the past, no worries about tomorrow and enjoy the now. Lets make small things matter. Search for happiness and follow its path. Regret over stupid things but don’t indulge in it. Smile over thank you-s  and sorry-s. Laugh like you will never stop. Walk like its on a runway. Party like you're a rock star. Live the-closest-to-perfection life. Remember, tomorrow is just another day, not the END! 

Have A Great Diwali !! Cel3braT3 YaW !! <3