Thomas A. Edison once said discontent is the first necessity of progress, well I'm at the moment discontented. Discontented with the teacher that I am because I know the teacher I can be. You may have heard me expressing my carefree attitude about whatever that had taken place during my first practicum. But hey, I'm feeling discontented at heart. Whether I can be better let time decide. Whether I can strive to be better, that's my call for progress.
Only because I have shelved an A the previous time, doesn't mean I'm gonna get lucky this time around. Things are certainly not certain to go backwards and predict the 'forward'. Simply said, anything can happen. It makes me restless. Discontented. And i believe it is screaming in head to open doors for improvement and progress. I'm not a couch potato! Or maybe I am, couldn't help it. But work is work. Nothing feels better than basking the fruits of one's hardwork. Therefore I shall strive for the best I can possibly be.
Ok the situation is like this, once again a school from Marang, an additional project with an ETA from the US if I'm not mistaken, observing-lecturer yet to be announced, so yeah the pressure has been elevated. Can't sit here and day dream anymore, for it is about time I buckle up getting everything that has to be done right.
The 2 months out from IPG is no license to roam free, it's a wake up call instead. While the world demands only the finest of quality, playing mediocre is not an option. It's a competitive market for the teachers as well if you were to keep up with the recent updates and education policies. I'm so screwed . HAHA.
Anyway, it's going to be a fun yet stressful experience which is going to make me roll eyes saying 'kids' every single working day at SK Paya Resak. Can't wait!!! Ok I'm kidding. I'm hell scared :p
Renuka G
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