I was born and raised in a nation which hails paper-qualifications and devote reference books like bibles, leaving me not much time and space in my mind to care about something not taught in schools and do not constitute the given syllabus. But when I grew up, I begin to develop this thirst for knowledge, to learn something, outside the world of exams or any form of assessments and just be proud of it. To my own surprise, my palm read the same, I will be more interested in learning something outside my field. Well, that's according to my friend whom I should say quite an expert in that palm reading ;-)
Traveling a year or two backwards, I remember learning the classic literature by myself. I have read the works of legends like Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen and of course Emily Bronte. The best part being, no exams nor scores were involved. Pure pleasure, Pure satisfaction. And the feeling you get when you finally accomplish a read is most certainly priceless. Next I got my hands dirty in my house kitchen. I learnt how to cook. From daily meals to desserts, there's something I can serve and save to be eaten. Baking then officially became my hobby. Apart from that, the passion elevated my skills to the level where I can decorate my own cake. Some accused me of getting it from my mom or any experts, the truth though speaks otherwise. They were all the result of my free-will to teach myself and learn.

As far my readers are concerned, I wish you all could see there's so much to learn. Don't count the profit by the amount of money you receive or kill to receive a certificate by the end of every undertaking. Learn sincerely, generously, you will never know when you might need what :)
Happy Learning!
Renuka G
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