Read between the lines

You need no search at the self-help shelves to understand life and your own self, even a simple folktale can be an ultimate eye-opener if you're just willing to read between the lines .

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Batman knows

I'm supposed to be yay-ing because it's school holidays but no, very few reasons to do a somersault over this schedule-free period. Well by schedule I mean official works that comes under my job description as a teacher like entering the class, writing lessons etc. I'm still, or to be more accurate my 'mind' is still occupied with the duties assigned and of course those I have bestowed upon myself.I wonder if a teacher ever stops thinking because...

Sweat=Fat Crying

Well it has been sometime since I flaunted the fitness-freak in me. Today shall be the day. So it was like three gyms that I tried out which left the feeling of uncertainty at the same level. First and foremost, getting a gym membership in small towns is not cheap. Or you think otherwise? Probably due to lack of competition and surely lack of support from the public that things are the way they are. But whatever, my problem is time. The cliche...

Thursday, March 5, 2015


It is apparently true what people say about passion, it's an addiction. You will always bounce back like a ball slammed on a surface. Hence this new post justified. The past few weeks had been pretty overwhelming. I could say 'hard' but it won't explain the truth. Not to pinpoint everything  on work, many other things took place further piling on mental strain. It was a feeling close to drowning but far from panic. The cherry on top is,...